Sunday, December 6, 2009


    A new technology is at work in advance physics in reference to space exploration and the development of modern physics since 1904 when Albert Einstein first published his work in special and general relativity explaining new aspects about the universe.  Rod Kawecki author of  'THE SUPERTELLIC ELECTROMAGNETIC-GRAVITATIONAL UNIVERSE TECHNOLOGY THEORY ' in short spelling 'segutt' has now say some hundred years later published his work in definition of Albert Einstein's donated scientific theorectrial literature in advance physics.
   Kawecki's work explains a structure of the universe never before examined as a formula that could explain how fast an object in space could travel. Published in 1904 and in a separate catagory of science in 1915, Albert Einstein published what today is the format for advance modern physics. What is tought in the class room is not always exactly correct Kawecki says.  Rodney Kawecki whom even as a youth played with the logic of physics and tiny blackhole technologies exploring his thoughts about science at such a young age was a youth who couldn't quite grasp the idea that some things just can not be true. So even before high school he started to have trouble about what he learned in the classroom.
   It wasn't until thirty years later that he regrasped these loss thoughts over the years in his youth that as a young man now he remembered again. In doing so he has written a new book in advance physics that over exceeds the technologies of today in modern physics. He explains in his new book about a structure of the universe that has never been investigated by scientist or physicists at the time physics was developing in the United States of America. During the time is was investigating his new book about the universe and spacetime travel on a level he obtained as a youth he began rebuilding the universe. In his research he discovered traits about the universe's structure which in early 1900's were exspelled by earlier physicists of that time. Re-examining these denials about the universe he began to put the pieces together that if were followed up by earlier scientist would explain an ordeal about the universe which at that time would have been very very hard to believe even science fiction. Einstein's ideals about physics that led him to express how he wanted to investigate a unitified theory was never put to rest.
    But some hundred years later Rod Kawecki investigated these neglected pathways and discovered a new theory that even though does not violate relativity expands on the universal speed limit Einstein claimed in 1920 after his acknowledgement by the American Scientific Committee.  To any event Kawecki discovered a passage in the structure of our universe that takes the speed limit off interstellar space travel. In his book he explains in mathematical theorectial theory a design of the universe's space field and equations that even though available in Einstein's time were never investigated or even probably even existed. But here some century later Kawecki has re-written the theory on spacetime and can literately show how and why superluminal space travel within the standard theory is possible.
    Today we are a long way off from advancing space travel into superluminal theory based on the local technology and mechanism technology. But in any case that does not mean faster tahn light speed space travel will not come to past sometime in the future of this planet. Off World Technology in the form of a theory or formula shown to be theorectially possible is an achievement in its self when it comes to future advancement. The technology has to exist for to to be developed leter.